Aumnibus Staff

385 Posts

Interview with Stacey Little

By Lisa Ranieri   We sat down with Stacey Little of Southern Bite fame to ask about his work with the AUMnibus and his current success. Article to follow. Have you ever wanted to cook something so delicious but remembered you're on a college budget or you are busy with life? Stacey Little, author of The Southern Bite cookbook, could help you with that. His book will be in stores and on all electronic reading platforms on March 11, 2014. He began his career at Auburn Montgomery as a Communications major and was the managing editor for the AUMnibus. After…
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The Very First Article

  With the AUMnibus's new venture into publishing on the World Wide Web, we thought it was only logical to reflect on the very first AUMnibus article. This was the lead article in the very first AUMnibus. Back then, AUM was in a more remote part of Montgomery, as opposed to the booming area east Montgomery is today. Take a look at the content in the article, and discuss. Were you a student here on campus in 1971? What were some of your fondest memories? How has AUM changed? Here is the article in full. A text transcript is located…
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You Can’t Do Simple Math Under Pressure

  If you are stressed out because classes are starting back, this is not the game for you. Introducing You Can't Do Simple Maths Under Pressure, a web-based game that forces you to do simple math while the timer gets faster and faster. It's quite fun, but also very nerve-racking. Try it out, and share what level you get to in the comments. I got to level six before failing. Try it out by clicking here.  
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Crash Course

The smell of the new semester is in the air, and it's time to hit the books. Or maybe, perhaps, the YouTube videos instead. Enter Crash Course, a fun YouTube series that follows along to the history and science curricula. You may find yourself becoming a history buff in days or a biology guru in weeks. This may give you a significant advantage in you classes. Who would of thought that YouTube could be such a valuable tool for learning. Let The Fault in Our Stars author John Green take you through World History by starting here. Or you can…
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Contribute to The AUMnibus

    Office Hours The AUMnibus newsroom, located in Room 401 of the Library Tower, will be open during the office hours listed below. Are you a skilled writer? Poet? Are you good with the camera? YouTube video star? Musician? Artist? If it can be put online, we want you. You don't have to be part of the AUMnibus staff to be part of the AUMnibus. If you're an AUM student, staff, or alumni, you all have a story to tell or something to show off. Here are some reasons to contribute to The AUMnibus: - To show off your talents. - To use…
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