Aumnibus Staff

386 Posts

CCleaner: Get Your Computer Running Faster

By Matthew Estes People who know how to work on computers knows the drill by now. They get a call from a friend or a family member complaining about how his or her computer is acting incredibly show. When that call occurs, said computer geek is already reaching for his flash drive equipped with a program called CCleaner. CCleaner is a computer optimizing program by Piriform. It's designed to do the little things that would be too time consuming for a person to do on their own. CCleaner does the following things: Corrects Registry Errors. The registry contains the installed references…
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I Forgot My Phone

Taking a step away from educational videos for a week, today's video by charstarleneTV is an eye-opening commentary on just how addicted society is to its smartphones. This video's popularity took off a few weeks ago as people realized this is a realistic visualization of daily life. I do not have a smartphone, but almost everyone around me does. It becomes difficult to have productive conversations in daily life. What about you? Do you deal with other people's addiction of smartphones? Perhaps you are a phone addict? Or maybe you don't see this as a big problem at all. Let us…
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MVP Monday Spotlight: Auburn Tigers

By Darrell Puckett  This is a new spotlight column for MVP Mondays highlighting and devoting time to mid-season SEC action. This week we look into the Auburn Tigers early success and a few essential components that could enhance their winning percentage. The high expectations going into the season were considered unrealistic by many people, but the Auburn Tigers are seeking to amaze. Newly hired head coach Gus Malzahn dreamed about this opportunity, and believes that he had the tools for success. Still, critics have nothing good to say about the Tigers 3-0 (1-0 SEC) start. Some say that Nick Marshall…
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10 Up and Coming Artists To Know

By Jessica Klinner Music is everywhere. There are so many genres, artists, and bands out there that it is almost impossible to listen to it all. I try to keep myself updated on all music genres, especially new talent. I’ve compiled a list of 10 up and coming artists you should get to know. Broaden your musical interests and check out all of these artists. It’s good for the soul. Enjoy! 1.    Lorde  Why You Should Listen: New Zealand native Ella Yelich-O'Connor, known by her stage name Lorde, has been signed to Universal Records since the age of 13. Being…
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Beatbox Using Google Translate?

Have you ever wanted to impress your friends with epic beatboxing skills? Perhaps not, but if you have, why not whip out your smartphone and let Google do the work for you? Using this incredibly specific Google translate Easter Egg, you can let Google beatbox for you. You must use a specific set of characters and translate from German to Filipino. Here, we've done the legwork for you. Just click the listen (beatbox) button. Who said Google Translate was only good for translating?
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10 Theories About Time Travel

Take a ride on the weird side with these 10 theories about time travel from AllTime10s. These concepts are sure to get you thinking.   What about you? What is your opinion on time travel? Do you think time travel is possible, or just the ideas of people with way to much time on their hands? Tell us in the comments below.
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Fantasy Football Isn’t Just For Geeks

By Darrell Puckett There’s something that comes alive during the early fall, and brings happiness to men all over the country. Yes, college football is awesome, but what is the key to ultimate happiness during fall? It’s simple; NFL fantasy football explains it all. For grown men who have a wife and kids or college students looking for something to get them through the semester, NFL fantasy football helps individual productivity. Personally as a college student, playing fantasy football during the fall semester has given me motivation to get my studies done in order to watch games. Grown men that…
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10 Reasons College Football Is Better In The South

By Jessica Klinner College football season is upon us, and there’s no better place to be than the South.  There are four seasons here: winter, spring, summer, and football.  We are crazy about the teams to which we pledge our undying allegiance. If you do not spend every Saturday watching your team along with all the other SEC teams, you’re seen as strange. Northerners don’t understand our madness. Heck, sometimes we don’t even understand it ourselves. It’s just how things work. Here are the 10 Reasons College Football Is Better In The South. 1.     Fans are louder and crazier. Never…
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Job Hunting with Keith Cullen

By Lisa Ranieri The AUMnibus sits down with Keith Cullen to discuss what's going on with the Career Development Center. Have you thought to yourself, “I really need a job or an internship, but I don’t know where to look”? Keith Cullen, Associate Director of the Career Development Center, tells us all about how to get ready for future job searching and how to make a resume. Most of you have seen on your MyAUM page the WarHawk Jobs icon. This is the main database where you can find jobs both on and off campus. This is not only an…
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Listen to Wikipedia

The coolest thing you've ever... heard? Witness the intrigue of Listen to Wikipedia, a website where every edit to the massive encyclopedia is reflected in music. Bells represent an addition to the article, and guitar represent a subtraction. The sharpness of the tone reflects the size of the edit. It's both hypnotic and beautiful to hear the organic melodies that spring from this ingenious website. Watch the unbelievable cornucopia of topics that are edited by the second in this awesome app. Click here to Listen to Wikipedia.
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35 Odd College Mascots

Auburn University at Montgomery's official mascot name is the Warhawks. This is a fearsome name that is sure to alarm potential opponents. However, AUM's mascot name was the Senators just a few short years ago. And while the threat of potential filibuster or heated congressional debate is always something to fear, an actual alarm for one's well-being is not part of the equation. Today's YouTube Tuesday video by Mental Floss delivers 35 more college mascots that could be considered odd and unusual. Can you think of any more colleges with unusual mascots? What was your favorite? Sound off in the…
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More Than a Coach

By Darrell Puckett The passion of becoming a coach doesn't stem from trying to accomplish successful winning seasons or counting how many great players you've coached, but the way players respond to your teaching.  Life isn't a cakewalk for anyone, and when a high school kid plays sports they are looking to accomplish something higher than their self.  At the same time there must be guidance in order for this to occur. Sam Peak, 66, has been involved with many sports at different levels in multiple high schools over the years, and always had more in mind than winning.  It’s made…
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From Auburn University to Warhawk Nation

By Lisa Raineri We sat down with Auburn University at Montgomery's own Joel Hughes to discuss his journey to AUM, as well as campus activities and events. --- Meet Joel Hughes, Associate Director of Orientation at AUM. The first two years of his college experience he played football at a community college. Afterwards, he decided to move back home to Auburn and transfer to Auburn University. While at Auburn, he received his undergraduate degree in Communications in 2005. He was the head cheerleader his junior and senior year of his undergraduate career.  Joel also participated in Student Government Association. After…
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iPod Update: Bon Iver

The website you are on is not the first online version of the AUMnibus. The AUMnibus was published exclusively online for a number of years. Thanks to the Internet Archive, we can recover some of those articles. This was one of the very first articles published on the site around 2007 or 2008. Bon Iver is a household name when it comes to current music, but when this article was published he was merely an independent artist trying to make a living. --- iPod Update: Bon Iver Bon Iver- “For Emma, Forever Ago” By Katy Williams Time spent isolated from…
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Amazing Tokyo Panorama

  Check out this amazingly high quality panorama of Tokyo. Zoom in and look at the incredible detail. The panorama was made of thousands of high resolution photographs, so get to exploring this concrete jungle. Check it out here.      
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Sylacauga Woman Struck by Meteorite

Did you know that Alabama is home to the only authenticated account of a person being struck by a meteorite? Check out today's YouTube Tuesday video by SmarterEveryDay to find out when it happened. What if you got hit be a meteorite? Imagine explaining that on to your friends.
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SEC 2013 Powerhouse Rankings

By Darrell Puckett The Southeastern Conference ranks at the top when talking about power in college football. Everyone has a favorite college football team, but in the south if you’re not going for a SEC team you are certainly the exception and not the rule. The following is a breakdown of the top teams from the west and east divisions. They will be sorted into powerhouse rankings. The equation to come up with these ranks deals with recruiting and current roster. WEST: 1. Alabama: Seriously, Bama is at the top again? Yes, the Crimson Tide’s success ranging from 2008-present gives…
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Is Parking Still a Problem?

Last week we looked back at the very first AUMnibus article. Today let's jump forward in time to 2003 to look at an event that may be of some relevance today. Some around campus have said that parking has been a problem. Was parking a problem 10 years ago? This was the lead article in the January 22, 2003 print edition of the AUMnibus. Click the article for a larger image. A text transcript is located below the photograph. 2500 Parking Tickets Issued Last Year By Austin Gaines Auburn University Montgomery received $20,015 in revenue from parking tickets during their…
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Avast: Don’t Leave Home Without It

By Matthew Estes What if I told you that you don't have to pay $100 a year for good virus protection on your computer? You would possibly reply using the old adage "you get what you pay for." That is a perfectly logical thing to say, as it is counter-intuitive to think that the most effective antivirus on the market is not, in fact, on the market at all. Avast Antivirus is, in my experience, the most effective at doing its job of preventing system crippling programs and malware from finding their way onto a computer's hard drive. I am not…
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Butter vs Margarine

The debate rages. Use butter, or use margarine? This week we turn to AsapSCIENCE to compare the pros and cons of both, and to help us find acceptable substitutes. What do you use? Are you a die-hard butter fan, or do you use a tub of margarine? Did you ever even know there was a difference? Sound off in the comments.  
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