On March 11 AUM’s Housing held their annual Greenfest event on the lawn in front of Plum Place. Residents were able to play games, decorate pots, dance and enjoy free food (Photos courtesy of Jordan White) .
On March 7, CRCV hosted the MLK Reflections Breakfast where Sarah Collins Rudolph spoke about her life and signed her published books. She is often referred to as the “fifth little girl” from the tragic bombing of Birmingham’s 16th Street Baptist Church (Photos courtesy of Jordan White) .
Student Affairs hosted the Health & Safety Fair on March 4, where students got to enter a raffle and talk to police officers, firefighters, and other organizations on campus (Photos courtesy of Jordan White).
On February 25 AUM’s Housing held their annual History of Soul Food event. The event included games, prizes, and free soul food made by the cafe (Photo courtesy of Jordan White).
AUM’s Spectrum hosted the Annual Vigil for Victims of Hate Crime and Violence event to bring awareness to the injustices happening to members of the LGBTQIA+. Everyone was able to put down candles to honor victims of hate crimes and say a couple words in remembrance to the victims (Photo courtesy of Jordan White).
AUM's Student Affairs hosted the Casino Night event on Jan. 28 in Taylor Center where student legally played casino games (Photo courtesy of Jordan White).
On Nov. 15, AUM’s Spectrum Club held the Second Chance Prom in Taylor Center 221 and 222. The theme was the Royal Met Gala and everyone was welcomed to dress their best! (Photo Courtesy of Jordan White)
Freedom of speech is a cherished value many Americans believe is fundamental to democracy. It allows citizens to express their opinions without worrying about retaliation or suppression. In recent years, increasing efforts have been made to suppress citizens, which many believe undermines open discourse. Suppression limits freedom of speech because it silences specific viewpoints while others can prevail. Suppression can control public discourse, suppress individual expression and affect vulnerable communities. At the same time, others feel that a certain degree of suppression is needed to prevent misinformation and harmful content from being accessible to everyone. Allowing suppression in America will…
Creating spaces that sustain the environment is pivotal to helping combat the ever-growing global waste issue. At Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM), a higher education institution, there are few recycling bins. Even though AUM is considered a top college in Alabama that offers different academic opportunities there is a lack of environmental awareness. The campus needs to improve in terms of being environmentally friendly and promoting sustainability while creating a lot of waste with its population. Since AUM creates a lot of waste, adding more recycling bins to the university campus would benefit the environment and encourage the students, faculty…