Wednesday, May 8

Month: April 2015


SROW Hard or SROW Home?

By Brianna Goodman Every year, dozens of college orientation leader teams from nine different states meet up for a Southern Regional Orientation Workshop. This year the event was held at Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky, and nearly 2,000 students were in attendance. The 3-day workshop is full of school pride, networking opportunities, and the chance to see how differently the same job can be done from team to team. As a new member of AUM’s S.W.O.T. Team (Successful Warhawks Orientation and Transitions Team) I had no idea what to expect. The first day was kicked off with Roll Call and teams performed a quick cheer that introduced them to the other schools. The real fun, however, started after dinner; every team also performed a song, dance or skit that represented who the...