Friday, April 26

Contribute to The AUMnibus




Office Hours

The AUMnibus newsroom, located in Room 401 of the Library Tower, will be open during the office hours listed below.

Are you a skilled writer? Poet? Are you good with the camera? YouTube video star? Musician? Artist?

If it can be put online, we want you. You don’t have to be part of the AUMnibus staff to be part of the AUMnibus. If you’re an AUM student, staff, or alumni, you all have a story to tell or something to show off.

Here are some reasons to contribute to The AUMnibus:

– To show off your talents.
– To use as published writing samples.
– To make a name for yourself on campus.
– To get your own “by line.”
– To inspire you to write or take up your hobbies.

So get to work on that advice column, write that short story, go review an everyday item, or show us what you’re good at. We need you to help build the community!

For submissions, you can contact us at