Tuesday, April 16

Day: December 8, 2015


College and Post- Recession Times

By Tyreaze Foster Within the coming weeks, thousands of students will be graduating and taking part in the turning of the tassel ceremony, from left to right. For many this symbolizes one’s transition from student to graduate which means entrance into the stressful lifestyle of adulthood. Soon after this achievement, reality sets in, and the search for a job becomes a quest that many will consider to be the equivalent to Frodo’s journey in “Lord of the Rings.”  Also, for many Americans this means their first payment of their student loans are due--the average payment is close to $400, according to the Gallup-Purdue Index 2015 Report. This means there will be at least a decade of payments ahead for them. The years after college will be just as stressful as the four they spent working ...